Who Needs a Chiropractor?

Your Chiropractor in La Garriga

Discover a new way to feel good


La Quiropráctica: Más allá del alivio del dolor

Pain is not just a nuisance, it is a sign that something is not working properly in your body. At our center, we believe that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. Chiropractic facilitates this process, helping your body function more efficiently and reduce chronic pain.

Beneficios de la Quiropráctica

  • Improved mobility: Greater flexibility and range of motion.
  • Stress reduction: Decreased muscle and mental tension.
  • Increased energy: Feeling of well-being and vitality.

How can we help you?

We offer a comprehensive approach to your health, combining chiropractic adjustments with healthy lifestyle advice.

Contact us today and discover how chiropractic can transform your life!

Beyond the Pain: Who Needs a Chiropractor?

Do you think that only those who suffer from headaches, back pain or sciatica need a chiropractor?

Think again! Chiropractic goes far beyond pain relief.

Stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor posture affect our bodies in subtle but significant ways. A chiropractor can detect imbalances that, while not causing immediate pain, can affect your long-term well-being.

Visit us and discover how chiropractic can help you reach your full potential.

Don't wait for pain to limit you!

Book your First Visit

Who can benefit from chiropractic?

We can all experience better health and well-being through chiropractic.

Whether you suffer from chronic pain, such as low back pain or neck pain, are looking to prevent future injuries, or want to optimize your physical and mental performance, chiropractic can help you achieve your goals.

Whether you are an athlete looking to improve your performance, a professional who works long hours sitting down, or a person who simply wants to enjoy a more active and healthy life, chiropractic care is designed to fit your individual needs.

Be your best version!

What are the most common problems that people come to our center for?


Back pain is a sign that something is not working properly in your spine. Whether due to poor posture, injury or stress, pain can limit your quality of life.

Chiropractic helps you restore the natural balance of your spine. Numerous studies, such as the "Manga Report," support the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments in relieving back pain and improving mobility.

At Equilibrium Centres, we believe that a healthy spine is essential for a full life. That's why we offer you personalized care and provide you with the necessary tools to keep your back in optimal condition.

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Dolor de Cuello

Neck pain is a common discomfort that can significantly affect your quality of life. From long hours in front of the computer to poor sleeping posture, the causes are diverse.

Chiropractic offers a natural and effective solution for neck pain relief. Scientific studies support the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments in restoring normal cervical joint motion and reducing muscle tension. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that patients with chronic neck pain experienced a significant reduction in pain and improvement in function after receiving a course of chiropractic care.

At our center, we will provide you with a personalized care plan that will help you regain mobility and prevent future recurrences. In addition, we will teach you exercises and techniques to improve your posture and strengthen your neck muscles.

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Headache or Migraine

Headaches are a common ailment that can significantly affect your quality of life. From tension accumulated due to stress to posture problems, the causes can be diverse.

Chiropractic offers a natural and effective solution for headache relief. Scientific studies support the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments in restoring spinal alignment and reducing muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, areas commonly associated with headaches. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that patients who received chiropractic adjustments experienced a significant reduction in the frequency and intensity of their migraines.

At our center, we will provide you with a personalized care plan that will help you identify and address the underlying causes of your headache, restoring your well-being and improving your quality of life.

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Vertigo and Dizziness

El vértigo y los mareos son molestias comunes que pueden afectar significativamente tu calidad de vida. Desde lesiones cervicales hasta trastornos del equilibrio interno, las causas son diversas.

La quiropráctica ofrece una solución natural y efectiva para aliviar los vértigos y mareos. Estudios científicos respaldan la eficacia de los ajustes quiroprácticos para restaurar la alineación vertebral y reducir la tensión muscular en el cuello, áreas comúnmente asociadas con estos síntomas. Un estudio publicado en el Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics demostró que los pacientes con vértigo cervical experimentaron una mejora significativa en sus síntomas después de recibir un ciclo de cuidados quiroprácticos.

En nuestro centro, te proporcionaremos un plan de cuidado personalizado que te ayudará a identificar y abordar las causas subyacentes de tus vértigos y mareos, restaurando tu equilibrio y mejorando tu calidad de vida.

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Low back pain

Lower back pain is a common discomfort that can significantly limit your quality of life. From incorrect lifting to poor posture, the causes are diverse.

Chiropractic offers a natural and effective solution for relieving lower back pain. Scientific studies support the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments in restoring spinal alignment and reducing muscle tension in the lower back, areas commonly associated with this type of pain. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics showed that patients with chronic lower back pain experienced significant improvement in their symptoms after receiving a course of chiropractic care.

We will accompany you throughout your recovery process, creating a care plan tailored to your needs and goals, so that you can once again enjoy an active, pain-free life.

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Sciatica is a common discomfort that can radiate pain from the lower back down to the legs. From herniated discs to muscle spasms, the causes are diverse.

Chiropractic offers a natural and effective solution for sciatica relief. Scientific studies support the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments in restoring spinal alignment and reducing pressure on the sciatic nerve, areas commonly associated with this type of pain. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics showed that sciatica patients experienced significant improvement in their symptoms after receiving a course of chiropractic care.

We will work with you to create a customized care plan, including chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic exercises, and pain management tips, all designed to address the root causes of your sciatica.

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Herniated Discs

A herniated disc can cause intense pain and significantly limit your quality of life. From natural wear and tear of the discs to sudden movements, the causes are diverse.

Chiropractic offers a natural and effective solution to relieve pain associated with herniated discs. Scientific studies support the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments in restoring spinal alignment and reducing pressure on nerves, areas commonly affected by a herniated disc. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics showed that patients with lumbar disc herniation experienced significant improvement in their symptoms after receiving a course of chiropractic care.

At Equilibrium Centres, we will not only relieve the pain of your current herniated disc, but we will also provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to prevent future complications and maintain a healthy back in the long term.

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Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes widespread pain and intense fatigue, significantly affecting your quality of life. Although the exact causes are still unknown, chiropractic offers a natural and effective approach to relieve symptoms.

Scientific studies suggest that chiropractic adjustments may help reduce pain sensitivity, improve sleep, and increase energy levels in fibromyalgia patients.

At our center, we will provide you with a personalized care plan that will help you manage your pain, improve your overall well-being and regain a better quality of life.

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El estrés puede manifestarse de diversas formas, incluyendo dolores musculares y tensión en la espalda.

La quiropráctica ofrece una solución natural para aliviar el estrés y mejorar tu bienestar general. Al restaurar la alineación de tu columna vertebral y promover la relajación, los ajustes quiroprácticos pueden ayudarte a dormir mejor, reducir la tensión muscular y aumentar tus niveles de energía.

En nuestro centro, te brindaremos un plan de cuidado personalizado que combina técnicas quiroprácticas con herramientas para el manejo del estrés, como ejercicios de respiración y meditación, permitiéndote recuperar el equilibrio entre tu cuerpo y tu mente.

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In addition to pain relief,

What other people are looking to feel good in our center?

Babies and Children

Chiropractic adjustments can help babies and children overcome colic, breastfeeding difficulties, sleep problems, and discomforts associated with growth. A healthy start to a full life.

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Durante la adolescencia, el cuerpo experimenta cambios rápidos. La quiropráctica puede ayudar a aliviar el dolor de espalda causado por el crecimiento, mejorar la postura y optimizar el rendimiento deportivo. Un apoyo fundamental para un desarrollo saludable.

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Daily life can put stress and strain on the spine. Chiropractic can help relieve chronic back pain, improve posture, increase energy, and enhance sleep quality. Feel the difference in your everyday life.

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Third Age

As we age, it is common to experience joint pain and loss of mobility. Chiropractic can help improve flexibility, reduce pain, and enhance quality of life. Keep enjoying life to the fullest.

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Pregnant women

During pregnancy, your body undergoes significant changes. Prenatal chiropractic can help relieve back pain, sciatica, and other common discomforts, improving your comfort and well-being during this very special time. By restoring the alignment of your spine, chiropractic adjustments can optimize the function of your nervous system and promote a healthier gestation for both you and your baby.

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Who else benefits from Chiropractic?

Who wants to live and perform at their best:


Athletes of all levels can benefit from chiropractic. Adjustments can help improve performance, prevent injuries, speed recovery, and optimize body alignment. Take your performance to the next level.

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Quality of Life

If you are looking to improve your overall health and feel better about yourself, chiropractic may be the answer. Our treatments can help you achieve an optimal state of well-being. Live a healthier, happier life.

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Would you like to live a fuller and healthier life?

At Equilibrium Centres we believe that wellbeing goes beyond the absence of pain.

We want to help you reach your full potential, both physically and mentally. If you are looking for pain relief, improved athletic performance, reduced stress, better sleep or simply to feel more vital, chiropractic can be your ally.

Discover how we can help you live a 10 life!

Do you have more questions?

We invite you to our Orientation Appointment where you will be able to learn in detail how chiropractic can contribute to your state of Well-being. In our centers in Barcelona and La Garriga we will tell you everything you need to know about chiropractic.

Yes, I want to participate

Did you know that chiropractic can improve your quality of life?

Find out at our center!

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