Family Constellations are a therapeutic tool that seeks to identify and resolve personal and family conflicts rooted in unconscious dynamics that are transmitted from generation to generation. It is based on the premise that family systems function as an interconnected whole, and that individual problems may be related to repetitive patterns or invisible loyalties to previous family members.
Family Constellations can help you heal past wounds and strengthen your bonds.
Discover how to improve your relationships and find the inner peace you deserve.
Discover how family constellations can unlock your limiting emotions and beliefs.
En una sesión de constelaciones familiares, se representa gráficamente el sistema familiar del consultante utilizando personas (representadas por otros participantes) u objetos.
A través de este proceso, se revelan las dinámicas ocultas y se identifican los bloqueos que impiden el bienestar individual y familiar.
¿Quieres liberarte de patrones repetitivos y encontrar la paz interior?
Family constellations can be beneficial for people who experience:
Would you like to delve deeper into your family history and find answers?
The Garriga
Carrer Banys, 115
933 28 33 82
Carrer Sant Gervasi de Cassoles, 55
930 29 39 47
All rights reserved | Equilibrium Centres